This post contains references to the resources that I’ve found most useful in learning about Dynamics CRM. They’ve been curated from an individuals’ perspective trying to learn CRM at home on a shoestring budget. I’m not affiliated with any of these websites, I’ve just used them and really like them.
Microsoft Virtual Academy: free and open access to video courses from JavaScript to ERP. They’ve only got the one video on CRM Introduction to Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2013 which provides a good overview of CRM 2013 (and in turn 2015 – I followed along with CRM Online 2015). I hope they open up their learning materials more and more – this is definitely the right way to go to get people learning about their tech.
Microsoft Dynamics CustomerSource: official eLearning materials across the range of Dynamics products (ERP and CRM) – useful for structured learning and certification. You must be a customer to use this service, but that includes trial users. I initially had problems accessing this service but after I got in touch with (the Europe area support email) they opened up the service the next day. eLearning is not available offline/downloadable. The Academic Alliance product resources within customer source provides downloadable material used by people who want to run workshops training other people.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM community: free and open forum. An active community. Technical and non-technical questions are welcome. Within a day I had four replies to my question about trial runs.
The CRM Book by PowerObjects: free and open. I love this resource. Some of the top consultants demystify all parts of CRM. You get an understanding of the context; what CRM is about, what you can do with it and also a professional lens through which you should consider CRM customisation and development.
CRMUG: CRM User Group is the largest user-led community of Dynamics CRM. I really like their Webinars from business to technical perspectives. Past webinars can be downloaded along with the slides. It’s not free but they do offer a month’s trial, which is what I’m on.
Hosk’s CRM Development channel on YouTube: videos of the worked examples of customising, configuring and developing solutions.
CRM Switch: free blog. A couple of great podcasts from experts in CRM to ERP. CRM requirements doc for a hypothetical company serves as a good foundation for the Business Analyst, I’ll be using this for a CRM redesign and migration project at work.
If you’ve got any links that you use all the time for all things CRM not included here please suggest them.